Our Story

We believe that food is medicine.

We truly feel that farming is one of the most humbling and rewarding jobs. We get to work with the land everyday, and bring healthy food into our community. We get to innovate on how to make our work more efficient, how to make the produce grow to their optimum and how to feed people the healthiest food possible.

We started our farm in 2020. Harrison branching out from managing his family fruit orchards, developed a love for growing mushrooms. Brogan was on a journey of learning to farm organically, after spending a few years working with a local farm market/orchard production; and our worlds collided. A space became available , there was land and there were pretty high hopes.

We see local food production as hope, for a healthy future for our land, for our community and for our environment.

How We Grow

We take care of our soil.

We do a little bit of everything! Microgreens, mushrooms, and seasonal produce. Our microgreen and mushroom production both takes place indoors. We grow Elm Oyster Mushrooms on a straw and grain substrate using a low tech grow methods. We grow our microgreens in what is affectionate called “The Cabinet,” A long narrow structure full of LED’s and shelves.

We classify ourselves as a Soil first farm. We feed our soil and use no synthetic pesticides, no herbicides. We try to keep our inputs local, using composted manure from nearby animal producers as well as seaweed extract.

We practice no till when ever possible. Our go to method when transitioning our permanent beds between crops is; first, a low mow, with our faithful push lawn mower. Then we cover the bed with a silage tarp. Leaving the remains of a past crop in the ground, helps to continuously feed our soil and build organic matter on the farm.

Where To Find Us

Our locations

You can find us and our produce every Saturday at the Halifax Brewery Farmers Market.

Or find our products locally in the Annapolis Valley at:

Foote’s Farm Market - Centreville

Fairn Farm Market - Centreville

Noggins Corner Farm Market - Greenwich

Stirling Fruit Farm - Greenwich

The Rising Sun Natural Food Store - Berwick

Tidal Bore Farm Market - Brooklyn

Take Home a Taste of Our Farm!